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Clémence French Voiceover Artist

Clémence Carayol is a French actress who has been in the show business industry for more than 20 years now, working both as a voice over actress and performing on stage in France.


She is also the artistic director of her theatre company, rewarded by namy awards all along the years. She also teaches "Voice over acting classes" in one of the most famous cinema and art schools in Paris.

Can record with a French accent or no accent at all

Has access to professional recording studios any time as this is part of

my job and of my teaching activities.

Instit_Chanel_Anglais_Doux_Glamour Clemencel
00:00 / 00:20
00:00 / 02:22
Documentaire Clemencel
00:00 / 01:05
Bande annonce_Grandes Voix Europe 1_Souriant_Journalistique Clemencel
00:00 / 00:18
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